This is a prototype for the handmade books that we’ll be making for the Blake’s Lock exhibition. The covers and binding material will vary, but the books will all use a Japanese-style binding, and they will contain poems and woodcut prints based on artwork from our Blake’s Lock exhibition.
The poems are all written by an exciting young poet, Duncan Lawrey, who is working with us for this project. He is writing poems inspired by our artwork, and we are making woodcuts based on the same artwork. We are printing our woodcuts in a Japanese style, using the beautiful, translucent Kozo paper. The poems are to be printed onto another Japanese paper, Simili.
“The Screw” is Duncan’s poem for one of Amanda’s paintings, “Thomson Turbine”, which is shown below along with its woodcut print.
The books will be available to purchase at Blake’s Lock during the exhibition.

Artikinesis at Blake’s Lock
17 September – 1 October 2016

Riverside Museum at Blake’s Lock,
Kenavon Drive, Reading, RG1 3DH

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