Basingstoke is characterised by its ringroad and its roundabouts. The ring road is easy to find, but can be difficult to leave at the right roundabout. And then there is the one way system lying in wait for unwary drivers…
Fear not. Among the things we have discovered about Basingstoke over the last few months is a little bit about how not to get lost in Basingstoke. At the very least, we know how to find the exhibition venue.
From the north of Basingstoke
Join the ring road where you encounter it and use either …
the Kingsclere Road from the Houndmills roundabout (A340)
or the signs directing you to the town centre
… to get onto Churchill Way. At the Eastrop Roundabout (handily signed with its name) follow the signs to The Shops and then Top of Town, ignoring the temptations of the Festival Place car park along the way. After you pass the left turn to the Council offices and Eastrop, there is a right hand bend signed Top of Town and a road that goes straight on signed, simply, Hackwood Road.
Take the Hackwood Road and turn first right into Southern Road (as directed by the brown sign to Proteus). The one way system takes you all round the Proteus building to the entrance to its car park.

From the M3
- From junction 7, turn right along the ring road. At the Hackwood Road roundabout, turn right towards town.
- From junction 6, get delayed by the Black Dam roadworks and turn left along the ring road. At the Hackwood Road roundabout, turn left towards town.
Proteus is signed from here.
Car Parking
Proteus has its own car park, which is free to people visiting Proteus. The scary “Flash Park” warning signs are for people not using Proteus; please do, however, sign in at reception with your car registration number.
Should the car park be full, there is some on street parking nearby (check the restrictions), which is free for 3 hours, or you can park in one of the surface car parks that serve Top of Town for a relatively small fee.