Press release for Ideal Landscapes

Ideal Landscapes – an exhibition
Pictures and poetry by Artikinesis
Hanger Farm Arts Centre, Totton, Southampton SO40 8FT
5 – 29th November 9AM – 5PM MON – FRI & 10AM – 1PM SAT

2019 UEA literature and creative writing graduate Tanith Lawrey is an exciting new-generation poet with work that is truly one of a kind.  His verses here are contemplations on the pictures in this exhibition. Poetry, pictures, and indeed the airy 18th century barn in which they hang are well worth spending some contemplation time with.  Adeliza Mole’s ideal landscapes are Padworth and the Thames Valley which she has visited and revisited in her work over the years.  Her oil paintings are intimate portrayals of scenes familiar to her.  Every tree and bank is painted true to life and yet transformed into a juicily delicious wonderworld for the senses, recognisable and yet unrecognisable.  Amanda Bates, exploring the upper reaches of the Test, is waylaid by intimate distractions – tyre swings and knobbled tree roots – before opening out into wide wide landscapes.  Crisp and crystal-clear details contrast interestingly with looser treatment, sometimes in the same picture.   Amanda, like Rosemary, has sought to reflect the timber landscape of the barn itself in her framing solutions.  Abstract expressionist Rosemary Lawrey has chosen oil and mixed media to weave landscapes of her past and the meandering paths of a human journey in the world.  Elinor Cooper stands out from all the rest in the simple purity of her visual language with its cool, elemental modernity. A genius of minimalist expression.  I can feel the rain on my face – pure magic. 

Opportunity to meet members of Artikinesis 6:30 – 8:30pm at Hanger Farm Arts Centre, Aikman Lane, Totton, SO40 8FT on Tuesday 5 November – all welcome

We are forest

A new project at Sticks Contemporary, Gosport
February – April 2018
Exhibition: 7 March – 14 April, Wednesday to Saturday, 11am to 4pm.

Artikinesis will be presenting a room-sized artwork exploring our relationship with trees.

Visitors can watch the artwork as it grows in the week before the exhibition opens, and later immerse themselves in the installation. Integrating painted and projected artwork with a haunting soundtrack composed for the work, it will be a calm space in an urban setting, a chance to contemplate what trees have to offer humanity. What answers do they hold to the problems we face as a species and as individuals? Should we be seeking to renew our acquaintance with our earthy, earthly companions? We owe the trees a great deal: since primeval times, these beneficial beings have cleansed our air; they have provided us with shelter, fuel, food and medicine. Do they speak among themselves? Do they seek to communicate with us?

Walk through our forest, be part of it and find new forest paths of your own.

[Click here for all Artikinesis posts about this project]
Elinor, Rosemary, Amanda and Adeliza are very excited to be working with Sticks Contemporary and Liveartlocal CIC for this project.
Sticks Contemporary, Unit 15, Gosport Precinct, South Street, Gosport PO12 1HA